Wednesday, June 17, 2015

From Cedarfield's Dietician...

As the temperatures rise, so does your body's need for water! To keep it functioning normally and to prevent dehydration, you body needs an ongoing water supply throughout the day - especially in extreme temperatures like we have experienced lately.
-Drink up. If you're thirsty, your body has already started to become dehydrated. Drink water throughout the day - never let your mouth become dry.
-Hungry? Drink a glass of water. The mind often confuses thirst for hunger.
-Keep the eight glasses a day in mind. Eight glasses is not the exact amount everyone needs, but a good estimate.
-And while nothing beats a tall glass of water to quench your thirst, certain foods can help supply    some of your daily water needs. Some fruits and vegetables with the highest percentage of water are lettuce, watermelon, cucumbers, grapefruits, carrots and apples.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pathways to Wellness

How would you describe “wellness?” A healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are foundations for continued good health. Managing stress, keeping your mind active, tapping into your creative side – these components also define wellness.

Cedarfield introduced a new initiative in November titled Pathways to Wellness which includes nine components: strength and endurance, creative expression, intellectual growth, spirituality, emotional balance, community outreach, dining/diet and nutrition, social connections, and brain fitness. The Pathways to Wellness program allows the Cedarfield staff to plan activities, classes, trips and entertainment to meet each of these components – creating an all-encompassing wellness and activities program.

Cedarfield showcased Pathways to Wellness to residents and staff yesterday, as well as unveiled the program’s new logo. The staff consultants and resident advisors for each of the nine components presented a booth with past activities and future plans related to their element of Pathways to Wellness.